Welcome to ProofreadMyEssay

We've got plenty of experience here at ProofreadMyEssay. We're not only interested in proofreading your work; we're also interested in helping you to proofread your own work, so that your writing improves all the time, whether you're doing business proofreading or thesis proofreading. When you're checking through your work, it might help to have some tips for effective proofreading to help you. Here are our top ten online proofreading tips for anyone writing a dissertation!

One thing we've noticed about people who spend a lot of time on their work is that they get can often attached to it. This means that they can be somewhat unwilling to make changes to their writing. This may be certain phrases or a certain order of words. When you proofread your work on your own, we recommend that you try to be objective. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who doesn't know you and doesn't know about your work, and ask yourself over and over again, 'do I know what this means?'. This can be especially relevant for English proofreading when the writer's first language is not English.


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