Showing Tag: "uk" (Show all posts)

Pointers on Writing an Application for Research Funding

Posted by proofread proofread on Thursday, May 15, 2014, In : proofreading services 
Writing a grant proposal to apply for research funding can be a challenge; the chances of securing financial backing are often slim and the process itself can be long. Here are a few top pointers on writing an application for research funding:
  • Before you do anything, familiarise yourself with the rules and specifications of the various funding bodies available. Read all the literature until you can establish which is the most suitable for you. This way, if your first application is reje...

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Academic Writing – Do’s and Don’ts

Posted by proofread proofread on Thursday, May 15, 2014, In : proofreading services 
Learning how to write in an academic way doesn’t have to be difficult; there are a few simple do’s and don’ts.

As an online academic proofreading company,
Proofread My Essay has had vast experience helping students to achieve a more appropriate academic tone in their documents. We would like to share the tips we have learned over the years with those struggling to achieve the marks they want, due to the informal tone of their work.

Here is a handy list of do’s and don’ts, with a...

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Allude or Elude

Posted by proofread proofread on Thursday, May 16, 2013, In : proofreading services 
It can be easy to mix up allude and elude when writing. They sound quite similar when spoken, and they are not incredibly common words. Still, these two words express completely different things, and should be used appropriately. Word choice may not seem like an important matter, but it can play a significant role in helping your reader grasping what you are trying to say. It is worthwhile to make sure you are using the 'right' words in your writing. The 'right' words are those that are appro...
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