Showing Tag: "expert" (Show all posts)

Pointers on Writing an Application for Research Funding

Posted by proofread proofread on Thursday, May 15, 2014, In : proofreading services 
Writing a grant proposal to apply for research funding can be a challenge; the chances of securing financial backing are often slim and the process itself can be long. Here are a few top pointers on writing an application for research funding:
  • Before you do anything, familiarise yourself with the rules and specifications of the various funding bodies available. Read all the literature until you can establish which is the most suitable for you. This way, if your first application is reje...

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Thesis Proofreading Service

Posted by proofread proofread on Wednesday, November 7, 2012, In : proofreading services 

Thesis Proofreading Service - The ultimate way to get the highest grades for your thesis

Students often have to write a thesis as a part of their course while pursuing graduate or post-graduate studies. A thesis is a formal document which consists of detailed research on a particular topic. Therefore, it needs to be properly written and presented. Even the slightest mistake can cost you marks and affect your grades substantially. To ensure that this does not happen, you should always seek ...

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