Showing Tag: "essay" (Show all posts)

Things to Consider for Writing an Impressive Essay

Posted by proofread proofread on Friday, June 27, 2014, In : proofreading services 

Writing an essay for submission may often become daunting if you are not aware of the tactics, or haven’t written one before. Addressing the topic assigned, organizing it well, and finally concluding it with a summarized concluding paragraph requires a great deal of planning, knowledge and strategic approach to make it work.  

Let’s have a look at what the approach should be, and the do’s and don'ts of essay writing



Do Spare Time: It’s always better to start early, i...

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Proofreading Vs Editing Services - De Facto Difference

Posted by proofread proofread on Thursday, June 26, 2014, In : proofreading services 

Often confused with editing, proofreading is altogether a different task that is done at a different time during the publication procedure. Although editing can be done at any stage of writing i.e. overall writing or submission activity, proofreading is always performed in the final stage of writing, immediately prior to publishing the piece to detect all of the errors and mistakes in any written literature, before it is finally submitted for printing.

Proofreading vs. Editing


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Harvard Referencing Multiple Works by a Single Author

Posted by proofread proofread on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, In : proofreading services 

Once you have finished writing your work it can be a chore to ensure that all your referencing is done in the proper manner. Different types of sources require different elements and these elements are arranged in a particular way for each type of reference. Further, there are several different referencing styles that you might need to use depending on the course or publication you are writing for. All of these variations can make referencing challenging. Still, there is no need to be afrai...

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Importance of proofreading software

Posted by proofread proofread on Monday, December 3, 2012, In : proofreading services 

The importance of proofreading software in essay proofreading

Technology has been instrumental in changing our lives significantly. It is crucial for writers to proofread their work before it gets published. With the use of technology increasing with every passing day, writers too can make use of technology for proofreading. How? Well, today there is automatic proofreading software available that uses advanced language processing technology for scrutinising your work. This software can als...

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Editing Services for Writers, Academics & Businesses

Posted by proofread proofread on Tuesday, September 18, 2012, In : proofreading services 

ProofreadMyEssay is a professional online proofreading services provider offering the best quality services to writers, academics and businesses. Our main aim is to help you make your work look professional and polished. Proofreading is not the only service that we offer, but we have a whole range of online editing services to meet your diverse requirements.

This article explores the various proofreading services provided at ProofreadMyEssay and how they can benefit you. Our proofreading...

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