Browsing Archive: March, 2013

Harvard Referencing Multiple Works by a Single Author

Posted by proofread proofread on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, In : proofreading services 

Once you have finished writing your work it can be a chore to ensure that all your referencing is done in the proper manner. Different types of sources require different elements and these elements are arranged in a particular way for each type of reference. Further, there are several different referencing styles that you might need to use depending on the course or publication you are writing for. All of these variations can make referencing challenging. Still, there is no need to be afrai...

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Academic Word Usage: I.e. and e.g

Posted by proofread proofread on Wednesday, March 20, 2013, In : proofreading services 

Part of developing your capacity as a writer is learning to adapt your style to fit the audience you are writing for. Your writing should be different depending on whether you are writing a tweet for followers to read, a blog for the general public, or an academic essay. Slang may be appropriate for the first two contexts, but unless a piece of slang is needed to make a specific point – and as long as your usage of it is explained – it should not be present in academic writing. In addit...

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